


From September 2023, new uniforms will no longer be available to purchase from our Group website and must be bought directly from other suppliers – the Scout Store is owned by the Scouts and all of their profits go directly back into UK Scouting.

If you have an outstanding order via the Group website, you will receive a separate email about this.

Instead of the maroon Aspley Guise branded polo shirts we will gradually move to standard Beavers and Cub polos. Scouts will be able to purchase personalised navy polos from the same website. Details of required uniform items will be provided by Section Leaders.

The maroon polo shirt can still be worn – there is no need to replace existing polos with the standard version. Most leaders will continue to wear the maroon polos and they will be included in our second-hand uniform sales. When a member moves up they can choose to buy a second hand maroon polo for their new section (subject to availability) or a standard one. This means that for the foreseeable future the Group will wear a mixture of standard and maroon polos.

Second hand uniform will continue to be available via sales mornings each term. Second hand uniform will be available outside of these sales but please come to the sale if you can as this saves an enormous amount of volunteer time. Limited supplies of new uniform and new maroon polos will also be available at this sale as we clear our remaining stock. We will have some new uniform to try on for deciding on sizes before ordering online.

We will continue to wear the Group scarf and new members will be given a scarf when they are first invested into the Group. Replacement scarfs will be available to purchase at the sales mornings or by arrangement; the current cost of these is £8.00.

If you have any questions about these new arrangements, please email Catherine.ellis@aspleyhomes.co.uk

Beavers Uniform that must be purchased/worn:

Standard Beavers Sweatshirt

Standard Beavers Polo Shirt (or second hand maroon polo shirt).

Standard Scouts Regulation Shorts (NOT trousers)

Navy ankle socks Can be purchased from anywhere

Scarf and woggle Supplied by the group. Replacement scarfs will be available to purchase at the sales mornings or by arrangement; the current cost of these is £8.00.

Scout Uniform

Scarf and woggle Supplied by the group. Replacement scarfs will be available to purchase at the sales mornings or by arrangement; the current cost of these is £8.00.

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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